Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shop Updates

Woohoo! The term is almost over and my applications are all in...I couldn't be happier/more unsure about what the future holds.  But I am very excited to tend to my sadly neglected shop! There will be a slew of updates coming up (I've collected quite a few pieces during my little break)...they will be posted to the shop as fast as I can hem/fix some of them. I'm most excited about my small collection of holiday party dresses...perfect for new year's eve!

Speaking of the holiday season, my friend and I decided to go a little crazy and DIY a ton of christmas ornaments for our tree. We're slow to start, but hopefully when we are done, I will get some snapshots of it for the blog.

Don't forget about the coupon code "THANKYOU15," which will give you 15% off your order. Here's a preview of what's to come first: